Economic Desarrollo's Agency CONQUITO is an entity public - private with social and nonprofit mission , whose fundamental objective is the promotion of the socioeconomic development of the Metropolitan District of Quito
• Misión
Encouraging the cost-reducing local sustainable development, in the public frame of the politic: Promoting the generation of riches , job , invention and infrastructure made suitable for the operation and strengthening of the entrepreneurial ecosystem a través de la concertación público – privado.
• Visión
Being the leader in promotion's field and cost-reducing development , with focus of social inclusion at the DMQ and your influence zone , being also one relating to national and international level
• CONQUITO is born in the Metropolitan District's Municipality and it constituted the October 27, 2003 itself legally for the Ministry of Commerce Outside, Industrialization, You Fish and Competitividad, with Ministerial Acuerdo N 03528.
• Quito like an enterprising, sustainable territory, technological and services node that you increase the power of his productive capabilities, generate job and distribute the riches with equity at a surroundings of juridical certainty.
Undertake Quito
The Emprende Quito's objective is to motivate the dynamic, innovative, profitable and inclusive emprendimientos of the Metropolitan District of Quito being a potentiator of capabilities.
Phase 1 taking
The objective of this phase is the innovative formulation of plans of business, through the cofinanciamiento of 10,000 USD's maximum amount for activities of pre-investment like expert advice, technical assistance and studies technician commercial with sights nominating as a candidate the following backup lines that they are evident in the program.
Phase 2 before jumping
The objective of this phase is to promote new emprendimientos's surging at the Metropolitan District of Quito, by means of nonrefundable Cofinanciamiento's assignment to Validación's projects of innovative business, in its stages of Plan of Negocios, prototipado, testeo, front line of production and investigation of markets, and to count on access to national and international tutors' nets.
You program of capacitation
CONQUITO seeks to interrelate his services of way of closing the circle, trying to satisfy the greater part of the needs of the population of Quito agile and efficient demanera. In fact, postulate than staff's placement escompleja, the Corporation offers several additional alternatives guided toward the same end, the improvement of the quality of life of the inhabitants of the District, between the ones that the Capacitation for Work is between. Capacitación's project for Work seeks to develop necessary conditions in order that the DMQ's inhabitants acquire knowledge and abilities that permit them to draw themselves up to an adequate job of work, or to become generating businessmen of job himself, your family and your surroundings. The capacitation is aimed at the public at large, with an especial preference for the organized groups, companies and microenterprises
CONQUITO seeks to interrelate his services of way of closing the circle, trying to satisfy the greater part of the needs of the population of Quito agile and efficient demanera. In fact, postulate than staff's placement escompleja, the Corporation offers several additional alternatives guided toward the same end, the improvement of the quality of life of the inhabitants of the District, between the ones that the Capacitation for Work is between. Capacitación's project for Work seeks to develop necessary conditions in order that the DMQ's inhabitants acquire knowledge and abilities that permit them to draw themselves up to an adequate job of work, or to become generating businessmen of job himself, your family and your surroundings. The capacitation is aimed at the public at large, with an especial preference for the organized groups, companies and microenterprises
Emprendimiento's types
Emprendimientos dynamic
Emprendimientos dynamic
• Sales for 100,000 yearly dollars
• The 35 yearly %'s growth
• Once the internationalization was guided
• Profitable ideas of business
• Generating plants of job
• High feasibility of implementation
• I back up communal exclusive groups
• Valuable Agregadores
• Innovators
• Preferentially of prioritized sectors
• Emprendimientos MIPYMES
MIPYMES constituted
MIPYMES constituted
• Reemprendimientos
• Emprendimientos popular and solidary
• The development inside communities or families of vulnerable segments search
• No generating of significant degrees of invention and differentiation
• Associative
Sergio Ochoa , the Executive Director of CONQUITO , emphasized the work and the commitment of the local Governments with the companies that seek to become converted in suppliers of raw materials and the need to strengthen this type of initiatives
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