jueves, 28 de abril de 2011

The Woman

 INTEGRAL: Almeida Jonathan
                      Herrera Manuel
                      Estefano Gonzalez
                      Moreira Tania
                      Quito Cristian
The term woman is used to indicate biological sexual differences or gender distinctions in its paper attributed culturally. But with the same rights that the men.

Rights and the woman's Obligationses and of any human being (2)

The State guarantees all and all the inhabitants from the Ecuador the free exercise and enjoyment of the same rights, freedoms and opportunities without any discrimination type, settled down so much in the Political Constitution, like in the declarations, pacts, agreements and other current international instruments. The rights and covenants of title recognized in the Constitution and in the effective international instruments they will be direct and immediately applicable for and in the face of any judge, tribunal or authority.

This means that all the people have right equals, it doesn't care him to be woman, man, mestizo, black, indigenous, boy, girl or adult. Also, if the Ecuador has ratified international agreements, as the Convention on the elimination in all the discrimination ways against the woman (CEDAW) or the Pact of civil rights and political, all that that there is said it is applicable to our country.

Right to the personal integrity and a life free of violence

You prohíbe all torture act and violence. Nobody can hit, to insult, to attack physics, psychological or sexually. The State should prevent, to eliminate and to sanction the violence, especially against the women, children, girls, adolescents and people of the third age, because all are entitled to a life without violence.

The woman in the family

The marriage is based in the consent of the contracting parties and the equality of rights, obligationses and husband's legal capability and woman.

The union in fact has the same goods that the marriage as for the combined property of the goods that you/they are acquired and the presumption of paternity, whenever the woman and the man don't have vinculo matrimonii with another person that you/they have been together for at least two followed years.
The State protects the marriage, the maternity, the family book credit and it supports the women home bosses.

The woman in the society

The woman is called to play a key part in the society, conjugating her professional functions with those of mother and you/he/she handcuffs. A trinomial difficult to balance the one that only the sensibility and the feminine capacity can respond with excellence.

The woman in the public, private and domestic work

The work is a right, nobody can prohibit to the woman that works, if he/she wants to make it. The State supports the entrance from the women to the work remunerated in equality of rights. You prohíbe the labor discrimination; therefore, the employer won't be able to pay less than to a man, if it carries out the same work.

Neither he/she will be able to request that it signs a renouncement. To the moment that hires her to demand that it is single, not to force her to that is not embarrassed, or to say goodbye to her if it is pregnant.

Also, it is watched over that the woman's labor and reproductive rights are respected, and that he/she has access to the social security.
There is special protection for the pregnant women and in period of nursing, for the hard-working, informal mothers, artisans, home bosses, widows. It is recognized that the domestic work that the woman carries out in the home every day (to wash, to iron, to cook, to sweep, to take care of the children, to fix the house, etc.) you/he/she is a productive work; that is to say that has an economic value and that work that she carries out without payment you/he/she is taken into account to compensate the woman when I/you/he/she is in situations of economic disadvantage in front of her husband or conviviente.

The woman in the politics

The women, the same as the men, we can choose and to be chosen to carry out any public position, to present bills to the National Congress, to be consulted, to control the acts of the public function, to revoke the command to the mayors, prefects and deputies elects with our votes.

Also, the participation of the women and the men in the elections debit side to be equal; for that reason, in the Law of Elections participation assignments settle down. For the last electoral process, the lists of candidacies should conform to with at least 35% of women, as main, and 35% as substitutes, in alternate and sequential form. This percentage should go increasing in 5% in each general electoral process, until arriving to 50%.
If the lists of candidacies don't fulfill this obligation, they won't be able to be inscribed.

The woman in the Ecuador

The woman's situation in the Ecuador has suffered deep transformations in the last century. To the movements in favor of the recognition of their civil rights and political they sink now the voices for the equality of opportunities and the full exercise of their economic, social and cultural rights.

One of the permanent principles of the foreign policy of the Ecuador is the respect and promotion of the human rights. In and of itself, Ecuador forms part of the most important treaties in promotion and protection of the human rights, among them the Conventions on the woman's rights.

"Article 2. 1. All person has all the rights and freedoms proclaimed in this Declaration, without distinction some of race, color, sex.... "
"1. The differences don't exist between men and Women."
This statement leaves of the juridical thing, although it is certain that between both sexes if we find capacities and different necessities, but this doesn't mean to be inferior, not even if it is sought to point out to the Woman like a weak or vulnerable entity.
Legally they are entitled the same as obligationses, as regards human rights to the being these of universal character, it implies that they correspond all person.

To make the decision freely of getting married when having the legal age and to found a family.
2.    To decide in couple the number and their children's spacing.
3.    To share jointly with the couple the included family responsibilities the upbringing and the children's education.
4.    To claim allowances for yes and their smallest children when the father doesn't fulfill his family obligationses, although he lives in the same home.
5.    To claim the part that legally corresponds in the case of dissolving the married society.
6.    To conserve the patria potestas or the children's legal custody when legal or judicially he/she is granted.
7.    To request the necessary divorce when the causal of law exist.
8.    To demand the separation of married goods and to have their behalf, still when they don't demand the divorce.
9.    To be about common agreement with the couple all the matters of family nature.
10.    To claim before a Judge of a civil court the recognition of the paternity when his son's father refuses to recognize it.
To request that it is declared which it is the family patrimony that won't be been able to alienate neither to be levied, although the husband alienates his goods that is to say sequestered.

To decide regarding their sexual life.
To be respected physics, sexual and psychologically.
3.    To denounce all sexual attack of which is object.
4.    To protect their patrimony and that of their children.
5.    To express their opinions freely.
Right to privacy and privacy.

Right to choose the work that more it suits him.
Right to same remuneration that the men, equally work.
3.    To be protected during the pregnancy and in the exercise of their maternity.
4.    To demand that they are not denied the requested work, neither they are discharged of the one that have, or deny or reduce their wage to be pregnant.
5.    To be assisted during the pregnancy and the childbirth with respect and care.
6.    To have two rests of half hour each one during the day, to feed their children nurslings.
7.    To enjoy entire wage of six previous weeks of rest and six later to the childbirth to recover and to assist to the newly born one.
8.    Not to carry out any clinical exam without their knowledge or consent, should be confidential the result.
To receive the integral payment of compensations, pensions, etc.
To denounce all the illicit ones made in their damage or in that of their children.
To demand before the tribunals the civil or family stocks that you/they seek.
3.    To defend of all demand in its against and to present all kinds of tests.
4.    In the case of being inculpated, to have a lawyer or confidential person who it defends it.
5.    To request deposit to obtain their freedom in the cases of law.
6.    If it is interned in the CERESO or Police station that it is located in areas or own cells for Women; if it is under age in special areas for smaller offenders.
7.    As victim of crimes to receive legal attention, doctor or psychological in opportune form, for qualified personnel and suitable; equally to be informed as for the repair of the damage and how to claim their payment or compensation.
8.    As family prisoners' visitors, to be revised with respect to their chastity and dignity.
9.    To be treated respectfully by the public servants in an immediate, diligent way and in gratuitous form.
10.    Not to be object of blows, molestations, it tortures and isolation when it is stopped.
The Woman in the case of suffering any aggression or damage of their rights (included those of their smallest children), he/she will be able to claim them before the competent authorities to demand from the same ones, protection and justice, which will be complete and attached to the law in full observance of the human rights.
The Woman should defend her rights. It is necessary to know them; but mainly to know that they mean.
These rights consecrated in the Constitution, laws and international treaties, make that the authority puts under an obligation to recognize them and to preserve them.

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